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Android App Development for Innovation Submission and Review System

Problem statement - Android App Development for Innovation Submission and Review (Techpedia - GYTI Awards).

Prior Art Search – There has been many apps which allows project submission. Canvas is one such app which is popular at school level in which students has to submit their project which is then evaluated by assigned faculty member and the evaluated sheet can be reviewed by anyone.

Requirements - The projects can be reviewed by assigned person anywhere and anytime. This app is on the line of Techpedia website. There will be a login page (for existing users) along with the option for Registration/Sign up (for new users).

=> Login

After login, next page will have a button on upper right corner which on being clicked will show a menu containing the following:

A. Profile

B. Change Password

C. Change Profile Photo

D. Submit Innovation

E. My Innovation

D. Logout

In the upper left corner there will be a Search bar where users can search the projects they want.

Apart from Header part, in rest of page there will be different projects which has been submitted recently.

=> Details of the Menu options:

1. Profile – Picture of the User, Full Name, State, Contact number, Address

2. Change Password - Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password

3. Change Profile Photo - Choose file, Update photo

4. Submit Innovation - Title of the Innovation, Author/s name, Institute name, University name, Applied for GYTI before? (If yes, year), Research guide name, Research guide contact number/email-id, Subject category, Sub-discipline, synopsis/abstract/summary, weather any restriction on showing it on app? (yes/no), project tags/keywords, unique features of innovation, exact problem that the project has addressed, type(technical /social/commercial/professional), status of innovation(idea/research/proof of concept/prototype/product/pre-incubation stage/already in market/implementation), patent(yes/no), mention at least two or three patents, published research paper in refereed journal, proposed outcome, contributors, resource required to develop product, highlight any frugal aspect of innovation, how can the innovation 'Create more value/from less material resources for More People?’.

5. My Innovation – total no of innovations submitted by the user, link for each innovation to view/edit

6. Log out

=> Review

A. Acceptance/Rejection

B. Comment/Feedback

If opinion denied -> request for review to third party.

If opinion accepted -> Shortlist, Selection and disclosure requirements, inform, final decision.

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