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Team members: Nitish A. Upadhyay


In India, around 160 million people do not have access to clean drinking water. In rural areas, pollutants such as biological, physical, and chemical contaminants are major culprits. Various filtration and treatment methods are available and they are utilized based on the location of Water distribution, quality of water needed, consumer demand and cost that can be paid by consumer for the quality of water. A very large portion of population has no access to Municipal water. India still largely depends upon surface and ground water reservoirs which mainly include River, pond, well and hand pumps etc. which are occasionally refilled by rain precipitation. Unlike City or town water treatment systems where resources for water treatment and availability are easy, whereas Rural population has limitations in terms of poverty and illiteracy hence they find no other option but to drink contaminated water. This report proposes a system which once installed, should not need large installation cost, very less maintenance and no continuous demand of chemicals for water treatment and availability.

The main target of this report, as per discussion, is removal of chemical contaminants such Arsenic, Iron, Manganese and biological pollutants such common bacteria’s and viruses found in rural water sources by utilizing highly Energy and Cost economical way.

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