<28 May> - The day was mostly spent in travelling with the evening invested in experiments with the chula and different types of woods to determine the characteristics of the woods predominantly used in the area (bawar, kapas, ardusa, neem and peepal) and the difference in the operation of the chula with the woods. Jamun wood was used as supporting fuel in each of the cases to have an unbiased experiment. The experiment was controlled by keeping the weight of the woods approximately constant. The feel of the wood burning with the starter fuel (petrol+diesel) was analysed subjectively. The efforts were noted for each of the woods.
<29 May> - The report for the past week was drafted and the experiments were continued on the woods. Three experiments were conducted:
a. The comparision of different woods on boiling water. The time was used as a proportion of efficiency.
=> 2L Water @28 degC
=> Ardusi
- less ash
- easy and fast ignition
- less smoke
- 18 Min
- 92.6 degC
- more ash
- difficult ignition
- more smoke
- 26 Min
- 91 degC
b. The efforts required to burn damp wood (Bawar) to boil water.
= 2L Water @57 degC
- Lot of secondary twigs and stems were required. Dry Leaves + Jamun Stems
- Lot of smoke
- It extinguished easy and readily
- The flame was reducing rapidly due to uneven heating
- Lot of fuel, petrol and diesel was required.
The results of the experiments are charted below
The rest of the day was invested in designing the modified chula based on the observations in the field visits, literature reviews and experiments.