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Weed Cultivator Modification

Our team found an interesting problem in cultivating weed using tractor.

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Problem Statement: To design a mechanism to easily reposition the blade in tractor cultivator used to remove weed.

Problem Faced: The blade fixed in cultivator is fixed and tightened on a beam support with help of nut and bolts. we have different crops then aligned crop width will also be different, so we have to change the position of blade, otherwise it may damage the crops. But for reposition the blade position we have to loosen the nut bolt, take out the blade, and fix it to given slot and this process takes high effort and is exhausting work.

Ideas for design:


All blades will be connected by nut bolt mechanism, for changing the position of one the blades just loose the nut, change the position (rotate it around the connection) and tight it again.


The top part of the blade will have hollow space in which the main beam can be inserted. The blade can be slid on the main beam and can be tightened by a taper pin.Weed cultivator Modification Problem Statement: To design a mechanism to easily reposition the blade in tractor cultivator used to remove weed.

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