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App for Review and Submission GYTI

                                                                                    Team: Keyur , Siddharth                                                          May 2017



Origin of the proposal: Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Awards celebrates the spirit of student innovation in all the fields of engineering, science, technology and design through extremely affordable/frugal solution or the ones pushing the technological edge.


The purpose behind this application is making the Innovation Submission and Review System simple and easy, let user also view the Innovations submitted by other innovators on right on their Android phones.


A platform to upload abstracts of all UG/PG/PhD projects pursued by the students to promote originality and inclusive innovation. It will also give global visibility to the idea of Indian tech youth and promote, hopefully, collaborations worldwide.


Project Objectives:


GYTI is an Android application that will be used for submissions of projects/innovations by students for the Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Awards.


Purpose behind this application is making the Innovation Submission and Review System simple and easy, let user also view the Innovations submitted by other innovators on right on their android phones.


It also makes the review system simple and easy. Once the innovator submits his innovation, it will be sent to the respective subject expert/reviewer for review by email.


 What we learnt:


3.1. Technical learning:

ï‚— Android Programming

ï‚— Android Studio

ï‚— Firebase

ï‚— Software Development Lifecycle - Inspiration, Design, Development, Deployment


3.2 General learning:

Team Work


 4. Details:


4.1. Proposed System:

ï‚· This application keeps the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously.

ï‚· Ease for user to make use of this application not complicated design or things.


4.2. Scope:

ï‚· Time saving.

ï‚· Search innovations submitted by other innovators.


4.3. Functionality:

ï‚— Submit the Innovation

ï‚— View the Submitted Innovation

ï‚— Edit the Submitted Innovation

ï‚— View Innovation Submitted by other users.


5. Requirements:

5.1. Hardware required:

ï‚· RAM : minimum 512MB RAM

ï‚· MEMORY: minimum 5 MB space


5.2. Software required:

 5.2.1 For phone:

ï‚· Android version 2.2 and Higher version.

ï‚· Standard Development Kit(SDK)

ï‚· Android Studio, JDK

ï‚· Permissions




5.2.2 For Development:

=> Hardware requires:

RAM: minimum 4GB RAM

Hard disk : minimum 100GB


=> Software required:

Android Studio for App development

Photo editing tool for images

Web browser for surfing web service


6. App Details:


=> Login

 After login, next page will have a button on upper right corner which on being clicked will show a menu containing the following:

A. Profile

B. Change Password 

C. Change Profile Photo

D. Submit Innovation

E. My Innovation

D. Logout In the upper left corner there will be a Search bar where users can search the projects they want.

Apart from Header part, in rest of page there will be different projects which has been submitted recently.


=> Details of the Menu options:

1. Profile – Picture of the User, Full Name, State, Contact number, Address

2. Change Password - Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password

3. Change Profile Photo - Choose file, Update photo

4. Submit Innovation - Title of the Innovation, Author/s name, Institute name, University name, Applied for GYTI before? (If yes, year), Research guide name, Research guide contact number/email-id, Subject category, Sub-discipline, synopsis/abstract/summary, weather any restriction on showing it on app? (yes/no), project tags/keywords, unique features of innovation, exact problem that the project has addressed, type(technical /social/commercial/professional), status of innovation(idea/research/proof of concept/prototype/product/preincubation stage/already in market/implementation), patent(yes/no), mention at least two or three patents, published research paper in refereed journal, proposed outcome, contributors, resource required to develop product, highlight any frugal aspect of innovation, how can the innovation 'Create more value/from less material resources for More People?’.

5. My Innovation – total no of innovations submitted by the user, link for each innovation to view/edit

6. Log out


 => Review

A. Acceptance/Rejection

B. Comment/Feedback


If opinion denied -> request for review to third party.


If opinion accepted -> Shortlist, Selection and disclosure requirements, inform, final decision.


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